Portalverse Client App

Portalverse Client App

Ditching expected design patterns for a web3 gaming service


As design lead at Portalverse, my role was to transform their technical demo of a peer-to-peer cloud gaming network into a viable product. To realise this vision, we designed two applications; a consumer app for cloud gamers and a B2B2C platform for cloud streaming providers (learn more here).

For the consumer app, I started from zero and adhered to the user flow of the original technical demo. However, after connecting with our users; evidence mounted that we needed to challenge our original business logic which centred on Web3 technologies. Subsequently, we removed Web3 concepts from the user experience and ditched the expected design patterns.

At the end of the process, I created high-fidelity mockups and prototypes for mobile and desktop interfaces, supported by a comprehensive design system and component library.

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What is Portalverse?

Portalverse is a decentralised rendering protocol, or put simply: a better way to stream games from the cloud. Cloud gaming is a widely recognised solution to improve the gaming experience for users by removing costly hardware requirements and allowing most devices to be used as a gaming machine, however, some of the downsides of cloud gaming are that there are often high latency issues for users and cost issues for service providers. Portalverse attempts to resolve this tension with the innovative use of decentralised technology.

In simple terms, similar to how Uber uses privately-owned vehicles to offer ridesharing, the Portalverse draws on existing hardware in the crypto-mining ecosystem to offer cloud gaming services.

Gathering Context

We created a ’reference cohort’ of users who we consulted with throughout the design process. Seeking their feedback on user flows and understanding their attitudes towards cloud gaming and existing cloud gaming services. This ultimately informed our must-have features for a minimum viable product.

Existing cloud gaming services

Geforce Now and Xbox Game Pass are the two dominant platforms. By testing each of these services and consulting our reference cohort, common and desirable features stood out.

Geforce Now

Geforce Now

BYO games
Users loved that they could link their existing games library (Xbox, Steam, Epic)
Large range of games
From simple SDK for developers to support streaming
Free streaming tier
Users can stream for free under a limit

Xbox Game Pass

Bundled library with streaming
Cloud Streaming was a bonus value on top of an extensive library
Game saves may be isolated
Some games purchased on Xbox cannot transfer saves over
Cheap trial available
$1 a month to try to full service

What users expect from cloud gaming

By conducting interviews with a cohort of gamers in conjunction with insights from an online ethnography, I gleaned these takeaways:

Cloud gaming is about flexibility
To this cohort, cloud gaming means being able to play the latest games whenever and wherever including on a clunky old computer or a non-gaming device like a smartphone. This takeaway highlighted the demand for Portalverse to be cross-platform.
Cloud gaming is a portal to gameplay
Put simply, gamers just want to play games as soon as possible. This takeaway highlighted the need to create a seamless service where users could start gaming almost immediately, with expectations that match media streaming standards. It also highlighted a reduced desire for supplementary features such as in-app messaging.
Many users had a collection of games and communities
All users had previously invested hours into the library of games and were greatly resistant to abandoning their favourite launchers. This takeaway highlighted that users need to be able to access their own game saves.
Latency was raised as a concern for all those interviewed.
All of those who had used cloud gaming services before had experienced dropouts or patchy latency issues. There is a lack of confidence that a streaming platform will work for them since depending on a myriad of factors your experience would be completely different.

Problems with Initial Demo

Testing Web3 Design Patterns

To appease stakeholders, we created an initial version of the Portalverse Client which closely followed the original technical demo. In this version, each user was required to possess a cryptocurrency wallet so that they could exchange Portalverse tokens for service on the network. The user experience was similar to a classic arcade where people purchase tokens and then exchange them for playtime.

Gamers hated it, the time to onboard often exceeded 5 minutes with significant context switching. Getting started and playing a game had 4 distinct steps.

1. Create an account and wallet

Here was our desired path for users, which included saving seed phrases and a new security paradigm.

creating an account V1

2. Deposit POV tokens

This required users to context switch, purchase POV tokens on the secondary market and deposit them into their Portalverse wallet.

deposit POV V1

3. Exchange tokens for gameplay time

Users then needed to swap their POV tokens for gameplay

deposit POV V1

4. Pick a provider then start a game

Users had to choose their provider and sign a smart contract to start streaming.

Starting a game V1

Under this initial design, users had to encounter several new concepts that needed time to be introduced, such as cryptocurrency wallets, seed phrases, network fees and signing transactions. Our users universally disliked this onboarding indicating that navigating these novel web3 concepts, was confusing, requiring context switching and a forced buy-in to the web3 ecosystem. These UX hazards ultimately risked users abandoning tasks and/or using the service altogether.

Through testing this user flow, it materialised that users, as well as the business, would benefit from decentralised concepts being removed from client user experience, and these insights informed the design for the second (i.e Web 2) iteration.

Updated Experience

Reacting to feedback from our cohort, we removed the core web3 elements from our client experience and added commonly requested features.

Conventional Authentication
Returned to a conventional email-based authentication
Ability to link game launchers
Access cloud saves of your favourite launcher, keep your progress
Free tier trial
Generous free tier so that users could see if the service worked for them
Local currency billing
No need to context switch and buy an altcoin from a third party to use our service
Automatically pick a service provider
In this version, the best choice is made for you based on your preferences
Context-switching steps are skippable
Any step that has significant friction such as payment and launcher linking is skippable
Colors for Portalverse Design System
Onboarding V2

After testing with our users none required assistance or clarification on how to complete the onboarding.

Visual Design Choices

Color Palette

Our primary brand color was driven by the zeitgeist of the web 3 world: futuristic purple. For ease of development and to create a usability discipline, I familiarised myself with the Radix UI color system (Tailwind CSS) and based our color system around its principles.

Colors for Portalverse Design System
Colors for design system


Our typeface needed to work across multiple platforms and be cross-cultural. The MVP also demanded internationalisation with English, Spanish and Simplified Chinese to be offered on launch. We also planned to support other languages in the future including Vietnamese, Japanese and Korean.

With this in mind, we chose Noto Sans because as it had variants which supported many logographic languages, and ensured that our designs could be clean and consistent across many scripts and languages.

Fonts for Portalverse Design System
Font scale for design system

Client Designs

Finally, we arrived at the final design stages, where all of the prior work is blended together to create production-ready designs. Applying my background in front end development, I created designs that incorporated developer technologies and frameworks (Radix UI and Tailwind CSS). My design discipline of incorporating frontend frameworks means that there was little time wasted bridging the gap between design and development, ultimately allowing the service to come to life quickly.

Component Collage
A sample of UI components


Component Collage


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Searching for a game
Comparing Mobile and Desktop UI


Gameplay overlay on desktop
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Gameplay components on mobile

Outcomes and Learnings

What did I Learn?

From the outset of this project, there was pressure to apply Web3 paradigms across the whole consumer application, since we used aspects of Web3 to power our service. But I led us down a different path. I maintained our focus on the quality of the user experience rather than the underlying technology.

After all, the goal is to provide the best possible service, regardless of whether it involves cloud computing, distributed computer networks, cryptocurrency or any other form of new deep tech.

What I learned time and time again is that new technologies (on their own) don't solve problems.

What happened to Portalverse?

Portalverse got caught up in a funding freeze due to key investors collapsing during the crypto winter of 2023. Ultimately slowing its operations down in September and was mothballed completely by the end of 2023 πŸ’€

I also created a prototype of B2B2C platform for our cloud streaming providers learn more about it here.